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Thursday, 22 October 2009

How to Become A Millionaire

Spend Less Than You Earn.

My wife and I have done fairly well with our finances. One reason for this is that we spend less than we earn. Another, and perhaps better, way to look at this is to earn more than you spend. Don’t get me wrong, I think spending money is good. But living within your means is the key to financial success. If you can combine both of these principles, earn more and spend less, you will be ahead of 95% of the world.

Save and Invest.

Money saved is worth more than money earned, and you should take advantage of that principle. Once you have a surplus of money, you need to do something constructive with it. Saving and investing is the best way to do that. Compound interest has been called the strongest force in the universe, and you want that force working for you. There are many ways to invest, and as long as you make wise investment decisions and let time and compound interest work for you, you will be successful. Start by paying yourself first.


Earn money, spend less than you earn, save and invest, repeat. After that it’s just a matter of time. Even if it takes years or decades, the process really is that simple.

Is it really that easy? Yes. It may not seem as easy as I laid it out here, but it really is. Remember, this is not an overnight get rich quick scheme. It takes time, planning, and a little luck along the way.

Get started. If you want to become a millionaire, you need to decide to do it and get started. If you are not be able to save money right now because of debt or other financial obligations, you should work on those issues first. A good place to start is with Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps. This is a tried and true method for setting up an emergency fund, paying down debt, and beginning your investments. Once you have that started, you can begin your million dollar journey.

(Source: cashmoneylife.com)

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Tips to Become Rich

No matter which life stage you are in, you have a future ahead of you and you should not leave it to chance- you must plan for it. So what are your financial goals?
Here's a tip: "making a lot of money fast" is not necessarily a reasonable goal. Look ahead and think of when would you incur major expenditures.
When you think of your goals, you should think about your hopes and dreams, for yourself and your family. What do you hope to achieve in life? Possibly buy a home and send your children to college?
Or maybe you'd like to retire early and travel the world? And now compare the future dream with the current reality. Here are a few tips for planning for a secure future:
1. What you earn, what you spend
The first part of allocating your investments is to figure out what's there to allocate. You need to estimate both your net worth and your net income/expenses. Your net worth, what accountants call a balance sheet, compares your assets (what you own) with your liabilities (what you owe).
This will help you see your monthly disposable income  --  the income you have left over after paying all necessary expenses. And that tells you how much you can afford to contribute to your financial goals each month.
2. Set your goals
Financial professionals often counsel investors to write down their goals. Their intention is not to make you ponder the meaning of life, but to help you create the best plan to reach those goals along the way. 
There's another benefit that comes from identifying your goals. Saving and investing just for the sake of getting rich might work for some people.
But for most others, though, giving up Rs.5000 every month can put a strain on their wallets - until they look at a photo of their children and remember that the Rs.5000 they're investing now will go toward helping pay their kids' higher education fees later.
3. Budget for it
After you identify your goals and how much you need to reach them, you should begin setting aside money on a regular basis to invest in your plan. Saving on a regular basis is the key to reaching your goals; no matter how little the amount you start out investing.
Don't be discouraged if your goal seems large and unreachable - remember that even a leaky faucet can fill your sink with water, drop by drop. Making investments on a regular basis, even if you can only set aside a small amount each month, can eventually build a sizable portfolio.
Many people think that they can't spare any cash to start an investing plan. These people probably have not learned the importance of paying yourself first. Setting aside a small amount for your long-term investing plan each week or each month before you pay any other bills or expenses is all you have to do.
4. Spread your money
It's rarely a good idea to have all your eggs in one basket. Depending on your goals and attitude to risk, you should invest your money over different investment options such as Stocks, Mutual Funds and Bonds.
You may also want to diversify within each of these categories. With stocks, for example, a mutual fund will invest your money in a variety of companies but you may want to ensure you have a range of industry sectors too.
5. Make sure your money grows
Should you leave it in the savings bank account and earn a meager rate of return? Or should you invest it in the PPF? The fact is that investing your money in the so-called safe fixed income instruments like Fixed Deposits, PPF, NSC, etc. is simply not enough.
This is due to the low rate of return on such instruments and high inflation rate in the economy. It is your hard earned money and you should invest it in instruments, which will make it grow over time and thereby build capital for your future.
Stocks is known world over for its potential to increase in value over time and provide your portfolio with the growth required to help you meet your long-term goals. Mutual Funds have given investors a whole new avenue for investment as per your risk appetite and expected returns.
6. Keep track of your track record
After you invest, you'll want to keep track of how your investments do. This doesn't mean you need to watch your returns on a daily basis (doing that can be like weighing yourself every day when you're trying to lose weight -- it won't help you judge long-term results, and you can drive yourself crazy doing it).
Instead, establish a regular timeframe for checking your investments to see if they are matching or beating your goals. For example, you may decide to review your returns investments once every three months, or twice a year.
While benchmarks aren't the only way to judge the strength of your investments, these tools can help you gauge how your investments are doing compared to similar investments. You may use the following benchmarks:
Market indices -- such as Sensex, Nifty. This will help you compare your performance with the overall returns of the market
Mutual fund benchmarks -- AMFI (Association of Mutual fund in India) has certain benchmarks for various categories of mutual funds.
Personal benchmarks -- you can set an overall goal -- for example, for your investments to outpace inflation by 5 percent over a period of five years -- and use it as a benchmark.
Be sure to set a reasonable timeline over which to compare your investments to a benchmark. You want to know how your investments perform through market ups and downs, so a longer timeline is more telling than a shorter one. For example, a five-year comparison will tell you more than a six-month comparison.
If you find one of your investments under-performs over the short term (for example, under-performed its benchmark over the last three months), don't be hasty to sell it earlier than you planned unless you've lost confidence in its long-term potential.
7. Don't lose your balance
You've established a portfolio with an asset allocation that suits you, and are reviewing your investments' performance on a regular basis. Think your work is done? Not quite.
You should still sit down periodically -- such as once a year -- to review your goals, finances and asset allocation. After all, goals can change. Time and circumstances can shift your priorities and your comfort with risk, changing your ideal asset allocation. When this happens, you may need to make changes to your portfolio.
Even if your ideal asset allocation hasn't changed, review your portfolio to make sure your existing asset allocation is still what you planned. Sometimes your asset allocation will change through no action on your part due to market movements. When this happens, your portfolio is out of balance -- which can expose you to more risk than you intended.
How can you fix it? You might sell investments in one asset class or buy extra shares of investments in another class.
When should you be on the lookout? If you're like most people, once or twice a year is probably often enough to see if the asset allocation in your portfolio is still what you'd planned.
But be sure to also check when you go through a major life change, such as getting married, having children, changing jobs or retiring. When you go through a big change, examine both your existing and your planned allocation to make sure both are right for your new lifestyle and risk tolerance.
Just keep these seven steps in mind and you should be able to achieve all your goals. Happy saving!

(Source: www.rediff.com)

Monday, 21 September 2009

13 Ways to Earn Money Fast

Everybody needs a quick infusion of cash from time to time. These ideas bring in money fast, and many can also be done at flexible times, so it's easier to arrange child care with a friend or family member for free. 

1. Have a garage sale. By using a few easy tricks, like posting fliers at grocery stores and Laundromats, making signs that can be seen from nearby busy streets and displaying your items in a department-store style, you can increase the amount your sale brings in.

2. Sell on eBay. Books, CDs, unused sports or exercise equipment, clothing, novelty items -- people buy all kinds of things. Even if you're selling several small items, the money can add up. Just make sure the buyer, not you, pays the cost of shipping.

3. Put clothes on consignment. This is an especially good way to get rid of clothing like fancy dresses (think old prom gowns and cocktail dresses you'll never wear again), but anything in good condition can be put on consignment. You share the money from the sale with the consignment shop, but it's an easy way to squeeze some money out of clothes that would otherwise just take up closet space. 

4. Perform household services. You can earn some money informally by letting friends, family, church members and others in your community know that you're available to clean their houses or apartments, or to take in ironing. If you find you have a knack and stamina for cleaning quickly and thoroughly, you can turn this into a regular, reliable way to earn extra money every month. 

5. Have a bake sale. Do you make killera chocolate chip cookies? chocolate chip cookies? Are yummy breakfast burritos your specialty? If so, why not bring in your items once a week to your job and sell them to coworkers and other businesspeople in the vicinity? If you don't have a job, what about a friend's workplace, a community center or a nursing home? Put the word out beforehand and gauge the response as you go, so you don't end up with a lot of leftover food. By talking up your home-baked goodies and arriving at the same time every day or every week, you may find that people start to anticipate your arrival. You can start a cottage industry along the lines of Mary's Monday Cookie Break when you come around to hawk your wares. 

6. Sell homegrown fruits and vegetables. You don't have to have a farm to produce delicious, organic produce. By presenting your goods in an appealing way (save the plastic or cardboard produce containers from the grocery store and tie them with a distinctive ribbon or desktop-printed label), you give them niche appeal, and you can sell them much the same way as baked items, listed above.

7. Have a family car wash. Enlist your spouse, your kids and their friends on a Saturday to hold a car wash. Talk to local merchants who have parking lots and ask them to donate the space, or set up an assembly line on your street. By naming the event ("The Annual Jones Family Car Wash") and highlighting an upbeat family goal ("We use this car wash to pay for the kids' extracurricular school activities"), you give people a reason to join your cause. 

8. Do gardening services. Mowing lawns is a perennial summer job for kids. If you have a mower, encourage your children to launch a business—or do it yourself. In addition, you can also weed or haul gardening rubbish to the dump (often garbage services won't remove it). 

9. Provide man-with-van services. Or, in this case, woman with van (or truck). This service is great for people who need to move a single piece of furniture or for young people who don't have a lot of stuff. If you're able to do moves on your own or with a helper like a friend or spouse, you can position yourself as a mother's helper (a woman living alone might feel more comfortable having another woman moving something into or out of her home). If you don't have a lot of physical strength, your husband and a cousin, uncle or son can do the heavy lifting and you can take care of scheduling and follow-up. A small classified ad in the local paper is an economical way to advertise. 

10. Get a paper route. While we often think of paper delivery as a job for a boy on a bike, all kinds of people pick up extra cash this way. Because papers are delivered in the morning, it's possible to complete a route before the regular workday starts, or before your kids are up. (Just make sure you catch up on your sleep by going to bed early at night!)

11. Dog walk and pet sit. Owners are always looking for reliable pet-care services. Plus, if you stay home with your kids during the day, a regular dog-walking gig is a great way to get everyone out of the house for some fresh air and earn extra money. Put the word out at pounds, the ASPCA, the local veterinarian's and dog runs. Be prepared to provide references from anyone you've ever sat for before. Learn how you can also turn pet sitting into a home business. 

12. Babysit. To provide regular child care in your home, you'll often need to be accredited and registered with the state. But occasional babysitting in your home or someone else's is more straightforward. You might already babysit for friends for free, but by reaching out in your community you can find parents whom you would feel comfortable charging a reasonable fee -- such as those belonging to common churches, PTAs or playgroups. Depending on your schedule, you can position yourself as a last-minute resource, a Saturday sitter while Mom does errands, a date-night sitter and so on. 

13. Rent out a room. This option might take longer than some of the others listed here, but it can provide steady income for a set period of time, or even indefinitely. It might require that your kids share a bedroom or that you give up a family room in the house, so everyone in the family should be prepared for the changes. And of course care should be taken to pick carefully to ensure you get a trustworthy boarder. This is an especially good option if you live near a university or technical college. Eighteen- to 22-year-olds will more likely be fine renting a room with kitchen privileges than older people, and you'll be able to rent on a semester basis.

(Source: home.ivillage.com)

Monday, 14 September 2009

Save Money Tips

This is a short list of ways you can save money and begin to acquire wealth. It's really not about how much money you make, it's about how much you save.

1) Sock some money away. Okay this one seems obvious, and it is. But if it is so obvious, why do most people ignore it? 
Well, the truth is that life is expensive and problems or emergency situations arise that drain our bank accounts. 
It doesn't matter how little you decide to put away for the future. For young people, the biggest factor on your side is time.
Small amounts of money add up over time, and if you factor in compound interest, the twenty bucks a paycheck you put away can turn into a nice chunk of money. 
A smart and easy thing to do, if you have direct deposit through your work, is to have some money automatically diverted from your paycheck into a savings account. 

2) Pay off your credit card debt. The interest rate on credit cards can be up to 22%. That means if you carry $100.00 on a bill over into the next month, you will now owe the credit card company $122.00. In that situation, you would have lost yourself $22.00. 
No matter how much those credit card commercials claim they can improve your life and make it more enjoyable, the credit card company is not your friend. They want your money. So pay down your debt as soon as you can and before you put money in savings. 
If you are paying 15 percent interest on a bill to a credit card company and at the same time are only earning a 3 percent return on money in your savings account, it makes sense to pay off your debt first. The amount you owe will easily eclipse what you are earning. 
If whatever interest you earn is less than the 15 percent I use as an example, then whatever you are earning is not really earnings. Your net profit will still be negative. Get rid of credit card debt so you can start really saving money. 

3) Use your credit card wisely. A credit card is essentially a card that allows you to take a loan out of a fixed amount of money, your credit limit. Credit cards are also a good way to build up your credit. If you have a record of paying off your credit card bill in full and on time every month, then your credit score should get better. 
Another advantage of paying off the bill in full and on time is that you will be able to avoid paying any interest on the money you borrowed. If you pay attention and are careful with how you use your credit card, then it can be a good tool to help improve your credit. 
Try putting one purchase a month on a credit card and paying the bill on time consistently. Some credit card companies even offer incentive programs like airline miles or cash back on certain purchases. 
The credit card I use credits me a certain percent of all the money I spend at certain gas stations each month. Getting money back is even better than saving money.

4) Okay, here's another obvious one. Control your spending. Live below your means. Do not spend more than you make. Smaller expenses like going out to eat or to the movies can add up quickly when put on a credit card. 
Try making your own coffee in the morning instead of going to Starbucks to get your buzz. Or make your own coffee several days a week and reward yourself with that Latte on Friday. Maybe carpool to work a couple days a week to save money on gas. 

I am not claiming that eliminating these minor costs will make you rich, but it is important to understand how all the smaller expenses add up. And they do add up. It is important to think about what you do with your money and make choices on how you spend it. 

People often feel burdened by their lack of money and feel that they spend it before they have it. Most of us spend everything we have. Just when we've managed to save a little bit of money, we want to buy new clothes, or take a trip somewhere. 

It is not easy to save money, but is well worth it. Thinking about where your money is going and making a few minor adjustments can help you save.

(Source: www.content4reprint.com)

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Investment Tips for Beginners

Ever wanted to start investing your money, but didn't know how to go about it? Did you try to do some research, but found the information hard to understand? Here are some simple tips in plain English to help the beginner investor get started:

1. Pay Yourself First. The biggest mistake Americans make is not paying themselves before they pay their bills. If you don't pay yourself first, you probably won't at all. Start saving 10% of your paycheck each week so you can  
have some money to invest. It may not seem like much at first, but you have to start some where.

2. Be Divested. In other words, diversify. Make sure you have some money that you can get your hands on quickly in case of emergency. This is called short term investing. You also want some money in long term stocks. Stocks have the chance of making the highest interest. With stocks you always have the chance of losing your money. That is why you need to be balanced. So place some of your money in short term investments and some in long term investments.

3. Don't ever invest money you can't afford to lose. Stocks are risky business. It's better that you go in to investing with this knowledge so you are not disappointed if things go sour. This is especially important in the beginning, while you are still learning.

4. Start learning online. It is much easier to buy and sell at home now then it use to be twenty years ago. You can also save yourself a lot of money. You may pay $7.00 online to trade verses the $40.00 you'd pay a broker. Be smart about it. Start taking online courses and follow them. There are even online games so you can see what would happen first before you actually spend your hard earned money. It's kind of like a virtual game if you will.

5. Stick with well traded companies. You don't want to start out with an unknown company that ends up going belly up and leaving you high and dry. You can minimize your risk by sticking with companies that have been around for awhile.

(Source: www.associatedcontent.com)

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Tips to become RICH

No matter which life stage you are in, you have a future ahead of you and you should not leave it to chance- you must plan for it. So what are your financial goals? 

Here's a tip: "making a lot of money fast" is not necessarily a reasonable goal. Look ahead and think of when would you incur major expenditures. 

When you think of your goals, you should think about your hopes and dreams, for yourself and your family. What do you hope to achieve in life? Possibly buy a home and send your children to college? 

Or maybe you'd like to retire early and travel the world? And now compare the future dream with the current reality. Here are a few tips for planning for a secure future:

1. What you earn, what you spend

The first part of allocating your investments is to figure out what's there to allocate. You need to estimate both your net worth and your net income/expenses. Your net worth, what accountants call a balance sheet, compares your assets (what you own) with your liabilities (what you owe). 

This will help you see your monthly disposable income -- the income you have left over after paying all necessary expenses. And that tells you how much you can afford to contribute to your financial goals each month. 

2. Set your goals

Financial professionals often counsel investors to write down their goals. Their intention is not to make you ponder the meaning of life, but to help you create the best plan to reach those goals along the way.  

There's another benefit that comes from identifying your goals. Saving and investing just for the sake of getting rich might work for some people. 

But for most others, though, giving up Rs.5000 every month can put a strain on their wallets - until they look at a photo of their children and remember that the Rs.5000 they're investing now will go toward helping pay their kids' higher education fees later. 

3. Budget for it

After you identify your goals and how much you need to reach them, you should begin setting aside money on a regular basis to invest in your plan. Saving on a regular basis is the key to reaching your goals; no matter how little the amount you start out investing. 

Don't be discouraged if your goal seems large and unreachable - remember that even a leaky faucet can fill your sink with water, drop by drop. Making investments on a regular basis, even if you can only set aside a small amount each month, can eventually build a sizable portfolio.

Many people think that they can't spare any cash to start an investing plan. These people probably have not learned the importance of paying yourself first. Setting aside a small amount for your long-term investing plan each week or each month before you pay any other bills or expenses is all you have to do.

4. Spread your money

It's rarely a good idea to have all your eggs in one basket. Depending on your goals and attitude to risk, you should invest your money over different investment options such as Stocks, Mutual Funds and Bonds. 

You may also want to diversify within each of these categories. With stocks, for example, a mutual fund will invest your money in a variety of companies but you may want to ensure you have a range of industry sectors too.

5. Make sure your money grows

Should you leave it in the savings bank account and earn a meager rate of return? Or should you invest it in the PPF? The fact is that investing your money in the so-called safe fixed income instruments like Fixed Deposits, PPF, NSC, etc. is simply not enough. 

This is due to the low rate of return on such instruments and high inflation rate in the economy. It is your hard earned money and you should invest it in instruments, which will make it grow over time and thereby build capital for your future.

Stocks is known world over for its potential to increase in value over time and provide your portfolio with the growth required to help you meet your long-term goals. Mutual Funds have given investors a whole new avenue for investment as per your risk appetite and expected returns. 

6. Keep track of your track record

After you invest, you'll want to keep track of how your investments do. This doesn't mean you need to watch your returns on a daily basis (doing that can be like weighing yourself every day when you're trying to lose weight -- it won't help you judge long-term results, and you can drive yourself crazy doing it).

Instead, establish a regular timeframe for checking your investments to see if they are matching or beating your goals. For example, you may decide to review your returns investments once every three months, or twice a year.

While benchmarks aren't the only way to judge the strength of your investments, these tools can help you gauge how your investments are doing compared to similar investments. You may use the following benchmarks:

Market indices -- such as Sensex, Nifty. This will help you compare your performance with the overall returns of the market

Mutual fund benchmarks -- AMFI (Association of Mutual fund in India) has certain benchmarks for various categories of mutual funds.

Personal benchmarks -- you can set an overall goal -- for example, for your investments to outpace inflation by 5 percent over a period of five years -- and use it as a benchmark.

Be sure to set a reasonable timeline over which to compare your investments to a benchmark. You want to know how your investments perform through market ups and downs, so a longer timeline is more telling than a shorter one. For example, a five-year comparison will tell you more than a six-month comparison.

If you find one of your investments under-performs over the short term (for example, under-performed its benchmark over the last three months), don't be hasty to sell it earlier than you planned unless you've lost confidence in its long-term potential.

7. Don't lose your balance

You've established a portfolio with an asset allocation that suits you, and are reviewing your investments' performance on a regular basis. Think your work is done? Not quite.

You should still sit down periodically -- such as once a year -- to review your goals, finances and asset allocation. After all, goals can change. Time and circumstances can shift your priorities and your comfort with risk, changing your ideal asset allocation. When this happens, you may need to make changes to your portfolio.

Even if your ideal asset allocation hasn't changed, review your portfolio to make sure your existing asset allocation is still what you planned. Sometimes your asset allocation will change through no action on your part due to market movements. When this happens, your portfolio is out of balance -- which can expose you to more risk than you intended. 

How can you fix it? You might sell investments in one asset class or buy extra shares of investments in another class.

When should you be on the lookout? If you're like most people, once or twice a year is probably often enough to see if the asset allocation in your portfolio is still what you'd planned.

But be sure to also check when you go through a major life change, such as getting married, having children, changing jobs or retiring. When you go through a big change, examine both your existing and your planned allocation to make sure both are right for your new lifestyle and risk tolerance.

Just keep these seven steps in mind and you should be able to achieve all your goals. Happy saving!
(Source: www.rediff.com)

10 Rules for Small Business Success

1. Find a Niche. For small businesses, it is best to find a niche. A small company with limited resources can efficiently serve niche markets. Concentrate your efforts on a fairly narrow market offering. This entails sticking to what you do best, and becoming an expert in that field. Realize that it is not possible to be good at everything. By concentrating on a fairly narrow market niche, you may be able to avoid head-on collision with bigger competitors. If you are a hardware store selling everything from paints to lumber, the entry of giant retailers like Home Depot in your area can spell the end for your business. However, you can try to limit your offering, for example, to construction of porches and decks and be the best retailer for this segment.  

2. Be small, yet think big. The most common question of small business start-ups is “How can I compete with my big competitors?“ Small businesses have inherent advantages over big businesses, including flexibility, ability to respond quickly, able to provide a more personalized service. Make sure that your business takes maximum advantage of those areas that represent the strengths of small companies.  

3. Differentiate your products. Present the benefits of your products and services to your customers, highlighting the unique solutions it offers to their problems. Avoid being a copycat; rarely do imitators succeed in the market. Study, but do not copy your competitors, and package your products distinctly. 

4. First impression counts. Strive for accuracy and quality the first time around. You often do not have a second chance to make a good first impression. This entails a well-laid out store, courteous staff, and personable voice over the phone, etc. However, if you are a one-person business working in a home office, remember that you are the center of your business and marketing efforts. Everyone you come in touch with is potentially a client or a referral to another client because they are either impressed with you as a person, impressed with your skill at providing a certain service or product. Make sure that you are always presentable, professional in your ways and knowledgeable about your business. 

5. Good reputation. Your business hinges on its reputation. It is imperative that you build a good reputation for the quality of your products and support services. Remember that two things guarantee success: high quality goods and superior service. Always aim for quality. If you are a tax consultant, strive to prepare a totally accurate, perfectly done tax returns for your clients. 

6. Constant improvement. Entrepreneurs know that they should not be rigid in their ways of thinking in their quest to improve their best products and services. You risk being left behind by the fast-paced competition if you cling to the “this is how we’ve always done it” kind of thinking. The business environment today demands that you need to come up with new solutions fast! 

7. Listen to your customers. Be market driven: listen and react to your customer’s needs. Customers need to feel that they are important to you because they are! When you focus on your customers and gain their trust, they will not only recommend you but they will also remain loyal to you. Remember, personal recommendation and word-of-mouth are the least costly yet most effective marketing strategy for your business. 

8. Plan for success. An entrepreneur should understand the power of planning. A good plan helps you increase your chances of succeeding and can help you define your business concepts, estimate costs, predict sales and control your risks. It tells you where you are going and how to get there. Going into business without a plan is like driving into a foreign land without a road map. 

9. Be innovative. Innovate your offerings constantly, keeping pace with technological changes. Use change as a springboard to improve your products, procedures or reputation. Innovation should also cover your operations from pricing, promotion, customer service, distribution, etc. Keep your eyes for new ways of doing things, and apply those that can improve the quality of your products and efficiency of your operations. 

10. Work smart. As an entrepreneur, you need to possess self-confidence, plus a never-ending sense of urgency to develop your ideas. Studies have shown that the individuals who succeed in entrepreneurship are far-sighted and can accept things as they are and deal with them accordingly. They know how to manage their time, realizing the importance of leisure in as much as work. These people are oftentimes quick to change directions when they see their plans are not working. More importantly, they recognize their weak points and move on to nurture alliances and acquire the skills they need to put their business on the right track. They realize the importance of working smart, knowing that it is not the quantity of work you do, but what you do and how well you do it.

(Source: www.powerhomebiz.com)

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Things to Consider in Starting a Home Based Business

Many people are under the impression that starting and maintaining a home based online business is easy. But while there are certain advantages to doing your business at home, there are still a lot of factors involved in making online entrepreneurial endeavors successful. Here are some factors that you need to consider before you go full steam on your internet business:

1. Market. 

Market is always important. You need to study the kind of market you will be getting into before you plunge in. Starting up without having any idea of what your market is all about is like being a soldier in a war - without a gun. Make sure to do the appropriate research about the market - current trends and future projections. You can visit online communities and discussion boards to see what potential clients are looking for, in terms of prices, services, products, and so on. You should also do a lot of research about your possible competitors - study their pricing methods, delivery and shipping policies, products, customer service, and the like. You might even want to try actually buying a product or two or availing a service to see how it's like to be a client of theirs. Use what you learn in the planning stage of your business.

2. Space.

You may be staring up small, but at least try to use a space what will be conducive to your company's growth. There may come a time where you will need extra equipment or need extra people to help you out. There may also be a need for business contacts to come see you in person - will you be needing space of these kinds of interaction and transactions? Of course, this all will depend on the kind of online business you want to get into.

3. Branding

Some clients mind that a business is run from home, so you need to look to the future and see if your home is the right place to base your business. Again, this depends on the type or market you are catering to, as while some mind, others don't care for anything except the level of quality and value for money that you and your service can offer them.

It's always good to take a deep breath and think things through before you launch an online business. You cannot afford to be too gung ho and just rush into things and "leave the rest to fate" as some might say. It's always best to have a plan you can refer to so you can be guided as you go along.

(Source: ezinearticles.com)

The Easiest Ways to Make Money From Home

If you have been thinking about how you can actually make money from home, but you have not reached the point where you know exactly what to do next, it means that is time to stop thinking and start doing.

When you enter a discussion about this subject you will usually find those who tell you that making money from home is impossible while others might tell you that it is as easy as falling off a log.

The ones that show their skepticism usually do so because they have not seriously committed themselves to building a home business or they have simply been scammed on time too many. On the other side of the coin those overly optimistic are often trying to sell you something and not always they have accomplished what they say you will (making money from home easily).

The plain truth is that making money from home can be really easy, but not in the way some people think (which involves the illusion of making money with no effort).

Now, what does it really mean it can be easy?

A home business will demand a lot less time than a traditional business (which I know by experience can easily consume 12 hours of your time every single day), it will undoubtedly be hard work, but it will leave you with a lot more time to for yourself (which is priceless) and with a greater sense of reward.

A home business will not require you to be stocked with inventories in order for you to run it properly, which certainly reduces the need for start up capital and makes it a lot easier.

A home business will not require for you to have a payroll, in fact you can completely skip the employee variable thus avoiding all the expenses involved in managing personnel.

A home business will spare you the difficulties associated with having a location, which in turn means that you will not need a lot of capital to start, in fact you can actually start with almost no money in your pocket.

So, what is the easiest way to make money from home?

This subject is a matter of constant discussion in many forums and blogs, but in my own personal experience your best shot for a real and scalable home business is at internet marketing and forex trading. These are two rather different ways to start making money from home, however any of them can easily turn into a significant stream of income if you take your time to learn and commit yourself to building a work routine.

The best part is that none of these alternatives require a lot of money to start, so provided that you have the necessary tools and resources by your side, you will easily achieve the goal of making money from home fast.

(Source: ezinearticles.com)

How To Become Rich - 3 Easy Tips That Will Teach You Exactly How To Become Rich

If you want to learn how to become rich congratulate yourself because you've came to the right place. Not only is this article going to show you exactly how to become rich but you're also going to learn how to do it from the comfort of your own home.

Before I start though, let me ask you how serious are you about making money, how serious are you about becoming rich?

You see, most people aren't most people will say someday I'll do this or someday I'm going to be rich but to be completely honest with you someday never happens, if you're one of those people you're going to have to make some changes.

The first step you need to take in order to become rich is to DECIDE right now that you really want to be rich.

The second thing you should know is that you're never going to get rich working for someone else. You're never going to learn how to become rich trading your time for money making other people rich.

Here's a scary but true fact for you...

Did you know that 98% of people retire dead or dead broke by age 65 and only 2% of people retire wealthy?

Do you know what the 98% are doing?

They're doing the same thing you and I were taught growing up, the same thing you're most likely doing right now working a j.o.b. (just over broke). Do you remember being told in order to be successful in life you must go to school, get a degree, get yourself a good job, and spend the next 40 years of your live slaving away to the rat race?

We were all sold this lie and were taught to believe it was "The American Dream" but you and I both know that it's actually "The American Nightmare" because it's scary.

So if you want to learn how to become rich, happy, and successful and you don't want to end up being broke, depressed, and miserable you'll want to pay close attention to what I'm about to say.


That's right the wealthy people, the 2% are working for themselves! They are creating fortunes from home, working when they want, traveling wherever they want, and spending more time than you could dream of with their families and friends.

They have the nicest cars, the nicest homes, and are extremely happy because they no longer have to worry about money.

Just picture yourself waking up each morning to a few extra thousand dollars in your bank account? Imagine being able to travel anywhere you want in the world and actually get paid for it, imagine having all the free time and money in the world to do the things you want instead of the things you don't...

In closing, if you really want to learn how to become rich find someone who is already rich, find someone how already owns their own business who can teach you how to do the same. Good luck on your quest to become rich, I know you can do it!
(Source: ezinearticles.com)

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Who says you can't be rich?

It is an understatement to say that most of us strive to be financially independent. I'm no different. I dream of the day when I can say I'm working only because I feel like it and not because I have to. But we all know daydreaming won't help us to achieve our financial goals.

To a large extent, our attitudes and perceptions determine how we respond to and deal with issues. Suffice to say, a good attitude and a set of positive self-beliefs are prerequisites for any successful pursuit.

It is no different when it comes to wealth accumulation and money management. For instance, without the belief that we should take charge and be responsible for our own financial well-being, we will procrastinate and achieve nothing.

In the same vein, if we believe that everything is fated, we will take the easy route and blame our destiny instead of stepping up our financial literacy and looking out for opportunities.

Almost everyone knows the importance of money, but there are many who consciously or unconsciously limit themselves on what they can achieve because of their personal beliefs.

See if you can identify your money beliefs in the eight examples here:
-Money is the root of all evil.
-Money cannot buy happiness.
-I'm married. My husband will take care of the finances.
-It is better not to be too rich. When men have surplus money, their eyes will wander. My husband will become unfaithful and leave me if we become wealthy.
-I'm a mother, so it is only right that the needs of my husband and kids come first. It's not right for me to think of my own retirement needs.
-My financial plan is my husband/kids. Someone will take care of me when I'm old.
-I'm hopeless with figures. They give me a headache.
-The filthy rich usually get rich through ruthless or dishonest means.

Which of the above beliefs, many of which are self-defeating, strike a chord with you? Bogged down by such beliefs, it is no wonder that some of us can't even make it to the starting point because the motivation to be rich is not even there.

Another unpleasant truth is that most people are too lazy to be rich. They may say they want to be rich but they don't do much about it except to hope to become rich by chance.

Don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with buying that lottery ticket or participating in a lucky draw. I still harbour hopes of getting a sudden inheritance from a rich, long-lost relative. But don't just stop there. Be realistic and realise that we must be prepared to put in the effort and make sacrifices.

The good news is we have the ability to choose our attitudes, behaviours and responses. This will lead to physical changes and result in us taking the right action plans to achieve our goals. A good place to start is to form positive mental pictures of who you want to be. Here are five steps to achieving financial success.

First of all, throw out any self-beliefs that stand in your way of making money. It is worth your while to take some time and explore your childhood memories of money. Doing so will help you arrive at a deeper understanding of yourself and your attitude towards money.

Second, ask yourself what you want the money for. It helps if you have an idea of what you plan to do with the money. This is because it is more meaningful if money is seen as a means to an end. Perhaps you want to enhance the lifestyles of your parents who slogged all their lives to bring you up. Or you may aspire to be a philanthropist and set up many charities and foundations to help the poor and needy. Ask yourself how you want to use the money to transform yourself and the people around you.

Third, instead of your old self-defeating money beliefs, adopt new positive beliefs such as:
-It is okay to want to be rich.
-I am worthy and deserving of prosperity and love.
-I'm a mother but it is okay to prioritise my retirement needs and look out for myself.
-If I don't look after my own financial well-being, no one else will.
-Money is a friend, not a foe.
-I can create my own financial destiny.
-I am prepared to put in the effort to be rich.

Fourth, form mental images of where you would like to be in the future. A friend, who is a human resource consultant, often uses pictures in magazines to prompt his workshop participants to talk about themselves by picking a picture that best represents their mood or emotion. Being able to visualise yourself and your goals is a powerful tool.

Last, but not least, changing your mindset is not enough, so have an action plan to help you achieve your goals. Be diligent in acquiring more financial knowledge by reading up about money management and investing. Get professional advice.

You are now all set and ready to embark on a financially rewarding journey.

(Source: www.asiaone.com)

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Why Unmaterialistic People Should Want to Get Rich

Imagine a greedy old miser, nearing the end of his life. For years he shunned friends and family to amass a fortune, but now, in old age, he sits alone in an empty mansion, cursing himself for missing out on the truly important things in life. No one wants to end up like him. We want to enjoy the love of our family and friends. Only materialistic people with skewed priorities care about being rich. Right?

The burden of acquiring money weighs heavily on anyone without it. People don’t go to work because they like it. They go because without money their families will have nowhere to live and nothing to eat. Without money you have no clothes, no food, no shelter, no life. For money we trade the bulk of our waking hours, 5 days a week, until old age renders us incapable.

Money isn’t everything, but it comes damn close. So with all these reasons to want money, why is the drive become rich associated with greed, selfishness, and materialism?
Why Money Arouses Greed and Resentment

What is the first image ‘rich man’ brings to mind? Think Disney, think Christmas, think Scrooge. Since before we could read we’ve been fed images of greedy misers abusing the helpless and kind hearted poor. Scrooge is only one instance of this popular archetype. Scan your mind for villains and you’ll find that ‘greedy rich man’ is the finest. Nothing inspires resentment better than someone with abundance who craves more, more, MORE.

But this isn’t reality. Real villains are few and far between and as likely to be poor as rich. Money is inherently neutral. The greed that inspires evil deeds originates not in money, but in the perpetrator. Money is as good or bad as the force that wields it.

In addition to media portrayals, there are more tangible reasons that richness inspires resentment. The greatest of these is the division of classes. While some people have relationships with both rich and poor, most don’t. You have your team and you stick to it. Even though most rich people are good folks, some are downright horrible. These spoiled brats (No one cares who your daddy is, and you’re making him look like a fool) create the resentment that spreads to all richness. The relationship between rich and poor is a toxic mixture of hatred and envy; people are forced to pick sides, and as Steve Olson explained, the outcome isn’t pretty.

There is also the wretched plague of materialism. The worst offenders aren’t the rich, but those who live beyond their means. The people going into debt to buy big houses, luxury cars, and plasma T.V.s. It isn’t about what you have, but what you can show. These fools want to be rich for shallow despicable reasons. Unmaterialistic people associate this idiocy with the desire to be rich and label the pursuit of the money unfulfilling. I was a member of this group of unmaterialists until I began to consider money and the nature of employment in a different light.
You Can Buy Time

The popular saying ‘you can’t buy time’ is blatantly false. Employers buy time everyday when they exchange money for labor. You may not be able to buy back time that has already passed, but you can certainly prevent yourself from having to sell your time in the future. Only the rich are able to avoid selling their time for money on a daily basis. Without the pressure to trade time for money, rich people are free to enjoy their lives however they please. If you take nothing else from this article, remember that money is freedom.

This realization led to the formation of my primary life goal: to become independently wealthy. By nature I am not a materialistic person. I care little for extravagance and the admiration of others. My favorite past times are the outdoors, basketball, reading, and collecting books. Old, used books, that generally cost less than a dollar, are more precious to me than any high tech gadgetry. But there is one valuable commodity that I prize above all others. Time.

When I started working full time 7 months ago I realized what it really meant to sell my time. I’m not complaining about my job. It pays well, affords decent hours, and the people are great. The problem is having to be there all the time. Call me ungrateful, but I don’t want just a good life, I want the best life I can muster, and that means having control of my own time.
Making Money Helps Other

After you buy something how do you usually feel? Unless you have spent foolishly and have buyer’s remorse you probably feel good. This is because have acquired something worth more to you than the money you paid for it. Commerce is an exchange of values. The merchant gets your money and you get wonderful commodities. Everyone is happy. If you weren’t happy you’d buy from someone else, which is why companies that don’t provide value go out of business. The success someone has is a direct indication of the value they provide to others.

Becoming rich doesn’t mean working long hours at a job you hate. Many people believe that becoming wealthy requires a high paying job i.e. doctor, lawyer, banker, executive etc. This may be the most certain path, but it isn’t the only one. There are unlimited ways to provide value to others, and the more creative ones are the most explosively successful. Don’t resign yourself to being poor just because these professions don’t fit. If you don’t like something you will never be great at doing it. The key is finding something you love that provides value to others.

You are currently witnessing my first foray into the world of independent value creation. I don’t expect this site to make me rich overnight, but it’s my first attempt at using my passions and abilities to create value. You may say I’m an optimistic fool, but each minute I work on this site I learn more about business and sharpen my creative abilities. Plus, it’s also very fun!

If you want to make the most of your life and attain personal freedom, becoming rich is a goal we both share. Don’t resign yourself to trading time for money just because that’s what most people do. Don’t wait to get going. Start working now. It’s going to be hard and you will need to make sacrifices, but don’t be discouraged. You have everything to gain, all you have to lose is your time.

(Source: www.pickthebrain.com)

You Really Want to Help the Poor? Get Rich!

The poor in America and elsewhere in the world require aid from people with better means. A lot of times, these means are taken by governments in the form of taxes that are meant to help these people in need. But often times, only a small percentage of revenue generated from taxes actually make it to the people who need it most. That is where charities come in, allowing people with means to personally target their vast donations to the causes about which they are passionate.

Moreover, taxes collected by government for means of supporting welfare and other entitlement programs use a method of force to move money earned by the productive sector of the economy to the unproductive sector. Acting in opposite, charitable donations are an act of free will, where one or more people actively and consciously give of their income to those in need in order to provide essentials or to give the lift needed to become a more productive member of this economy.

Even though over 75% of all our taxes are paid by only 1% of our citizens, the tax revenue received for the express purpose of helping others greatly pales in comparison to the voluntary philanthropy of the wealthy 1%. And as stated earlier, these charitable funds are specifically targeted to a needy organizations, hospitals, or other causes, allowing the money given to actually be used by the recipients, instead of wasted in bureaucracy.

Therefore, if you really care about helping the poor, get rich! Stop relying on your tax dollars to go the the people who need it most. Once you build your wealth, you can allocate your desired amounts to help those you wish to help.

How do you get rich?

Well, first you need to think differently. There are two economic systems in America, the "wage" system and the "profit" system. Outside professional athletes and senior corporate executives, no one ever gets rich from the "wage" system. It is within the "profit" system that all the true wealth in America and around the world is made. Owning your own business is the key to success, and the key to your ability to help uplift the poor.

The kind of business that is right for you depends on your personality, characteristics, and work habits. Also, you need to decide if you want to own a business to do part time while you work in your career or profession, or you can commit to being a full time entrepreneur. There are endless choices, but do not get overwhelmed. Out of all the types of businesses, including brick and mortar retail shops, franchises, and service related businesses, and internet based businesses, it is the internet business that allows for the greatest return on investment.

Brick and mortar franchises cost over $500,000 to start and you are not in profit for 3 to 4 years. There are also employees to deal with, not to mention rent and insurance, and can only operate during certain limited hours. Internet businesses have little startup costs, are in profit within a few months, have incredible growth the first year, and have no employees, no space, no rent, no inventory, and no insurance. Plus, if you pick the correct online home based business, you can have it work for you 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, targeting over 1.5 billion people in over 150 different countries.

Of course there are scams, pyramid schemes, funnels, multi-level marketing structures, and affiliate programs selling lotions, potions, and pills, but there is an easy way to determine what is right for you as you think about your goals of helping the people in need with a portion of your earnings. You want a business that provides an extensive online training system that takes you from extreme internet novice to expert marketer in a very short period of time. You want a business that specializes in promoting personal branding, where your leadership shines in the forefront instead of a behind-the-scenes company with no vision to help others. You want a business that allows you to start big if you have marketing capital for realizing returns much quicker, but you also want that same business to allow you to start small and use their extensive free and vast social marketing resources to allow you to build your business over time, transitioning from free advertising to paid advertising within 4 to 6 months.

Do not rush this process. Feel free to comment on this article if you have any general or specific questions. Just remember why you are doing this, to make a greater impact in your community for the betterment of people in need.

(Source: ezinearticles.com)

4 Ways to Make Money Online Quickly

Are you searching for ways to make quick money online? There are many people that get on the internet looking for the same thing.

It can seem like a daunting task to find some way to make money fast because there are so many different options. Knowing what some of these options are will help you decide on the best way for you to use to make money.

Here are a few of the best ways to quickly make money online.

1. Affiliate marketing - This is a free way to use to make money. All you have to do is to find affiliate programs to promote and then start marketing those programs. The more you market them, the faster you will make money.

2. Offer your services to other business owners online. There are many business owners online that are looking for someone to write articles, reports, eBooks, press releases and many other things.

They will gladly pay you to do this work for them. If you have a talent in writing, then use it to make money quickly online.

3. Sell products on eBay or other auction sites - There are many different products being sold on these auction sites. You can sell things that are sitting around your home that are not being used.

You can also visit estate sales, garage sales, buy products at wholesale or even find a dropshipper that will let you sell their products. There are many ways to locate products you can sell, so find someone get started selling them right away.

4. Blogging - There are so many blogs being started every day because blogging is becoming more popular all the time. You can use blogs to promote affiliate programs, sell your services, create and sell your own products and even sell physical products from. Starting a blog is not hard to do and it is a quick way to make money fast.

These are the best ways to make quick money online, but definitely not all of the ways that can be used. Anyone that needs money right away should understand that the Internet is the best option to do this.

Just don't forget that it will take hard work and effort on your part to make the money you want quickly. Only you can make it happen for yourself, so don't put it off and get started by choosing the best way for you.

(Source: ezinearticle.com)

Why Are Some People Poor and Others Rich?

One of the biggest struggles in people's lives is seeing people around them who are more fortunate. It is frustrating to see other people have more than you do when you are as equally deserving as they are. This leads to one of the most asked questions of why are some people poor and others rich. The problem with this question is that there is no clear cut answer. There are several factors that go into people getting rich in their lives and there is also a lot that goes into why some people are poor.

One of the first ways to answer why are some people poor and others rich? is by looking at luck. This is something that plays a huge role in why some people are rich. They happen to be at the right place at the right time. It has nothing to do with skill or knowledge or even how badly they want something. What you have to remember if you are not one of the people who are rich is that your luck might be coming soon. You never know when you will strike it lucky and get everything you want out of life.

If you still are asking why are some people poor and others rich, a lot of it has to do with yourself. When you are able to take action in your life, you are more likely to get what you want, which in this case is money. Because luck does not happen to everyone, you have to be willing to take matters into your own hands. Think about what you want and then devise a plan of how you will make that happen. You cannot go through life relying on others to give you want you want. Because it is what you want, you have to make it happen.

Another way you can change your thinking about why are some people poor and others rich is by changing your thinking. You can do this by thinking more positively about everything in your life. You will be amazed at how much faster things come to you. This is because you are unknowingly hindering your chances at success when you think negatively. You are not allowing yourself to believe in yourself, which really is what needs to happen to be successful. You might even start realizing that wealth is not the only, most important thing in your life.


The Rich Don't Work For Money

It can hurt a little to see others do so well; the wealthy heading off in their luxurious car for a weekend away at their own private beach house, or jetting off around the world to taste the genuine flavors of the world. Yes it can be frustrating, you may even feel jealous; use these emotions to inspire you to think!

The majority of people finish school and go out looking for a job, some even start working before leaving school (parents smiling proudly). And yet most people never learn about money.

People often blame their boss, their wage, the economy, the government and the rich for their financial situation. Many of these people quit and go looking for a better job, a higher income and the others accept their situation and just keep working, waiting for a pay rise, living with the fear of getting fired and yet even more terrified of taking control of their own situation, getting out of their comfort zone and making a change.

Fear and desire drives most people to seek false security through a job; a job is simply a short term solution to a long term problem. It's easier to get a job and work for money; this is what you are taught at school and at home; go to school, get good grades and get a good job. Yes, it can be difficult to change your own situation and your own habit's, although it is still easier to change yourself than to change your boss, your wage, the economy, the government and the rich!

Robert's rich dad taught him that emotion is your energy in motion. "Learn to use your emotions (fear and desire) to think, not think with your emotions" He offered Robert and his own son Mike the opportunity to work for him at one of his Superette stores (a 1956 version of the 7-11) for free at the age of 9. The lesson to learn from this experience was that the sooner you forget about needing to earn money from a job the easier it will be to identify and take advantage of opportunities.

Robert and Mike did see an opportunity, an opportunity many people would never have seen or taken. They asked the comic book distributor if they could have the unsold comics from the Superette stores; this was allowed as long as they did not sell them. So... they set up a comic book library, charged an admission fee to the local kids to visit the library and read the comics. They hired Mike's sister to be their librarian. They generated money from their business; their money worked for them!

The Rich Don't Work For Money. Financial education is the solution.

(Source: ezinearticle.com)

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

How to Trade Foreign Currency - Learn the In's and Out's Quickly For Better Trade Performance

For the price of a hundred dollars there are various robotic Forex and Forex trading programs that say that they produce wealth with no input of effort. Surprisingly, traders are still purchasing these systems, in spite of understanding that about all traders are continually losing money, which would not be the circumstance if these applications held up to their word. If you are so green as to trust these outrageous claims, you too will end up losing all you invest.

Forex trading is a strong and easy system, allowing for fewer of the hang-ups you stumble on with more complicated systems. Within weeks, you may possibly have a undemanding system up and running and start to see profits with only 30 minutes spent every day. And whereas some traders believe that doing massive amounts of trading will make them extra money, that is a big fallacy. By trading too repeatedly, you force yourself to take low odd gambles. These frequently finish disappointingly. Even though being persistent does not hurt, becoming a lucrative Forex trader demands a different proficiency. In order to be profitable with Forex trading, you need to exercise persistence, waiting for high odds trades, that can generate vast income without investing a lot of time and work.

Forex authority consultants and software's desire that you trust that markets are stimulated by a higher power, but science by no means stimulated the marketplace. The stock exchange is run by people, who set the charges and their routines are what influence what those charges will be. The individual element is mercurial and so the stock exchange can't be calculated with any sort of accuracy. If there was a scientific approach that may perhaps foretell what the stock exchange would do, at that time traders would not be considered necessary since everyone would comprehend what would happen before it really did. Forex dealing is a risk. A lot of losing trades will be made, yet you can get the most out of the winning trades and create a profit over a long period of time. Trading should be based on odds not chance presuming.

Rich by Forex?

It's a known fact that Forex trading is simple and everything about it can be learned, but it's also a known fact that 95% of traders fail to make money and that's a huge percentage! You can however enter the elite 5% who get rich at Forex trading - but you must understand the points in this article.

If you think you are going to make money at Forex, by following a cheap software package and make money with no effort, then your going to lose. These systems promise huge gains with no effort but if it really was as easy to make money as they say, everyone would trade for a living and no one would work. Now for some good news:

The good news is - anyone can learn to trade and it's a known fact that the best Forex trading strategies are simple so, you don't need a college education to learn one and you can do it in a few weeks.

Sounds easy so far?

Well let's give you the harder part of Forex trading and understand it and you will understand, how you can get rich at Forex trading when most traders fail.

The problem most traders have is applying their system with discipline, when they lose and keeping losses small in these periods. If you think its easy, you probably haven't traded. It's hard to keep losses small, when the market makes you look a fool and takes your money.

In these periods, you must forget your ego, keep your losses small and keep going until you hit a home run and then have the courage to run your profits to cover your losses.

The best traders have simple systems, they follow with discipline and they understand, there is no perfect system. The key to winning is the same as it's always been, the ability to keep losses small and run profits to cover them. You simply must follow your trading plan without deviating from it and keep your emotions out of your trading.

So how do you get discipline?

It's based on confidence in what your doing and a good Forex education and keep in mind - If you can't trade your system with discipline, you don't have one.

You can win and learning a method is easy, getting the right mindset is harder - but it can be done by anyone and if you get the right mindset, you are on the road to a great second or life changing income.

(Source: ezinearticle.com)

10 Tips On How To Get Rich Fast

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could get rich tomorrow? What would you do with all that money? Well believe it or not it can be done. Now I didn’t say it would be easy I just said you could do it. Here are 10 tips on how to get rich fast.

1. Invest - Start young. In fact start while you are in elementary school, kindergarten is even better. It’s the beauty of compound interest and over time your money will grow into a nice nest egg. Okay if you are reading this you are probably too old to start in elementary school but you can get your kids hooked. As for you the best plan of defense is to invest 50% of your salary in a high risk market fund or the penny stock market. You’ve got a 50-50 chance. You’ll either make a million or be broke in 90 days.

2. Marry Rich - Now how difficult can this be? All you need to do is find someone who has loads of money and marry them. Okay I didn’t say you’d be happy just rich. Perhaps not a solution for most of us but it apparently works for a few.

3. Win The Lottery - Ya ya I know the odds of getting struck by lightening are better than the odds of winning the lottery but you can’t win if you don’t try and it’s one of the few ways I know of that you can get rich fast.

4. Rich Parents - If you come from a wealthy family then you are half way there. All you have to do is stay in their good books and convince mom and dad to not spend their money and leave it to you when they pass. After all why should your parents get to enjoy the wealth they reaped?

5. Get An Education - Go to school for lots of years, accumulate plenty of debt, and choose a career that pays big bucks. After about 10 years in your profession you should be rolling in the dough and you might even be filthy rich before you get old

6. Become A Star - Heck if Jennifer Aniston or Nicolas Cage can do it why can’t you. A couple of acting lessons and you should be set. All you need to do is head to Hollywood and strike it big. One good movie and you’ll be set for life.

7. Invest In Real Estate - Buy high sell low – whoops I think I got that backwards. Buy low, wait 10 years, 20 years, maybe even 30 years but inflation will have your investment growing by leaps and bounds and you could be filthy rich especially if you bought in an up and coming city while house prices were still low. Now if you bought in Hicksville USA you may have a problem. It might take more than your lifetime to see any dramatic increases. Oh well you can leave it to your kids who can leave it to their kids and in another 100 years or so someone’s going to be sitting pretty.

8. The Internet Way - Heck where have you been. A quick search on the Web will reveal plenty of sites that will teach you how to make $50,000 a day. Now I think most of us could live quite comfortably on that don’t you? All you need to do is part with about $500 and they’ll tell you the secrets of wealth in one page or less. If the first one doesn’t do it for you perhaps you might want to try a few more. Oh wait a minute. Perhaps what you need to do is set up one of these sights, then you’ll be the one getting rich off the other poor fools that part with their $500.

9. Bank Robbery - Okay highly illegal and could land you a lifetime in the slammer but desperate needs require desperate measures. After all if you get caught you might not be rich but you’ll have free room and board for the rest of your life and then you could write a book about what not to do when robbing a bank and well see you could get rich from your book. And even better, you’ll stay rich because there is really no place to spend it while in jail.

10. High Risk Work - Take on those high risk jobs no one else wants. You know counselor in Iraq, bean counter in Afghanistan, Oil tycoon in Iran. But hey if you live through it you’ll be rolling in the dough. What does it matter that 99% never live through it. You’ve got a 1% chance and when it comes to getting rich those are pretty good odds.

Sure most of these ideas are pretty off the wall but if getting rich fast was easy wouldn’t we all be rich? Then what fun would there be in that? We’d all have too much money and probably be bored to tears. So why not aim for better life with good friends, love, happiness, and enough money to live comfortably but not so much that you stop dreaming about what you would do if you were rich.

(Source: www.articleclick.com)